The region’s peak business advocacy organisation, Business Illawarra, has welcomed today’s NSW State Budget which contains an important commitment from the Government to develop a detailed business case and masterplan for the Illawarra Sports and Entertainment Precinct (ISEP).

This follows the release of a major report by Business Illawarra in March which provided a comprehensive precinct masterplan for the site at the Wollongong foreshore which includes the WIN Entertainment Centre, WIN Stadium, Lang Park, the training ground and surrounding landholdings. 

Business Illawarra has also undertaken concerted advocacy for the funding of a business case, which involves the private sector as a design and delivery partner to ensure a bold vision and the highest-quality outcome for the community.

In addition, the budget contains amounts to progress key regional road projects, the Mount Ousley Interchange and the Picton Road Motorway Project; both of which have also been the subject of successful advocacy campaigns by Business Illawarra.

Investments in road connectivity continued further south in the Shoalhaven, with funding to progress upgrades to the Princes Highway, including the Jervis Bay Road Intersection and the Milton Ulladulla Bypass.

“We have been advocating strongly for the government to take a precinct redevelopment approach to urban regeneration of our cities here in the Illawarra Shoalhaven in the same way it has in Western Sydney,” said Adam Zarth, Executive Director of Business Illawarra.

“Now we look forward to the process of master planning a new Illawarra Sport and Entertainment Precinct at the Wollongong foreshore, arguably the jewel in our region’s crown, together with the development of a business case that is as ambitious as the Illawarra itself.”

“Our region can only reach its full economic potential if transport connections to Greater Sydney are improved, so while these spending allocations in this budget are very welcome, we need to see sods turned on those key roads and a plan for the future of our antiquated rail network.”

The budget has also addressed other key priorities for Business Illawarra and its members, in both housing affordability and the transition to net zero by 2050.

“The equity housing initiative is one which, given the expected take up, should enable more people to break into the housing market without sending prices soaring. Similarly, the proposed reform of Stamp Duty to a Land Tax option for first home buyers is central to address key cost of living pressures being experienced presently.”

“Meanwhile the significant investments in renewable energy will present exciting opportunities for regions like ours that are designated Renewable Energy Zones, with $1.2 billion set aside for new transmission projects and $250 million to support the manufacture of renewable energy infrastructure, electrolysers, electrification of plant, and electric vehicles.”


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